Oliver Quevedo Rodríguez
My research project was related to the study of the consequences of the formation of anaphase bridges during mitosis. For this purpose, I used yeast mutants for the key cell cycle phosphatase Cdc14, and I focused on the genome integrity and what checkpoint and DNA repair mechanisms got activated after the severing of anaphase bridges.
Current address:
Postdoc at the Nucleolar and disease group. Genomic integrity unit. Danish Cancer Society Research Center. 49 Strandboulevarden. 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jonay García Luis
My research project was related to the study of recombination intermediates and whether or not they contributed to the presence of anaphase bridges. I was also interested in the physical nature of recombination intermediates.
Current address:
Postdoc at the Cell Cycle Group, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Cristina Ramos Pérez
My research project was related to the study of the classical source of anaphase bridges between sister chromatids: the downregulation of Topoisomerase II activity.
Current address:
Scientific Associate at BenchSci. Toronto, Canada

Sara Cazorla Rivero
B.Sc., M.Sc.
My research project was related to developing new strategies for constructing homo and heterozygote strains in order to study chromosome rearrangements.
Current address:
Pulmonary Research Group. Unidad de Investigación, Hospital Ntra. Sra. de Candelaria, Tenerife, Spain.